Game story begins with Two friends named Rina and Rai, Rine getting kidnapped by a bad person. Now Rai takes the responsibility to save her friend. Player has to help Rai to reach the nearest of the Rina by selecting the correct bridge block to cross the river. Bridge blocks will be shown for a few seconds and you’ve to remember it and select the same bridge which was shown previously. Be careful! If your memory is not strong or you can’t find the correct bridge step, Rai will have fallen into the water and the Game will be over. Features of this game: High Quality graphics Game size is minimal Super simple controls Interesting quests
Easter Style Junction Egg Hunt Extravaganza
Mona Lisa Fashion Experiments
Roblox Run 3d
Bffs E Girl vs Soft Girl
Survival Pumpkin
Jumping Jack
Hero Tower Wars Merge
Hill Climb Truck Transform Adventure
Hex Planet Idle
Offroad Truck Army Driving
Merge Color 2D
Cut Cut Game
Fill It Up Fast
World of Alice Dino Colors
Save Woman
Tricky Trees
Ragdoll in backrooms
Fruit Club
African Cheetah Hunting Simulator
Truck Simulator Construction
Burnout Car Drift
Bounce Ball Timer
Shape of Shadow
Noob vs Obby Two Player
Polygon Flight Simulator
Animal Saver
Journey Of Carter
The Trendy Mermaid
Celebrity Core Fashion Battle
Treasure Island Pinball